Kancho M. Bambouyani
ITKA Karate is a life changing program and a path to success for our students. We provide instruction in a caring motivating, fun and yet disciplined atmosphere, we teach with focus on attentiveness at every moment and concentration to complete the task on hand. We teach self-discipline by providing the guidance necessary to build good habits. By repeatedly emphasizing the fundamentals and basic philosophy of respect and cooperation, we help build a more pleasant atmosphere at home for the family and in school for teachers. We teach culture, friendship, and leadership for conflict resolution. By teaching students reasonable self-defense we build self-confidence for building stronger emotional skills resulting in belief in self-confidence which negates the impact of bullies. We guide our children to success by challenging them to strive for and test for higher belts. Young people can relate to belt achievement as it parallels going from grade to grade in school. We encourage them to keep their eyes on their goal and to overcome obstacles and open their minds to new experiences.
ITKA program is a basic down to earth program which is the result of five decades of training experience. During my career, I have been fortunate to train with Japanese Masters that introduced Karate to the world. I have traveled to Japan and Okinawa to learn the culture, and improve my karate instruction. I have been taught karate in different countries, made guest appearances at international karate tournaments, and have taught seminars to karate students around the world. From these experiences, I have found that life is more productive, and enjoyable when we learn new things. Thank you for allowing your child to train with ITKA. I have dedicated my life to teaching young people about both the physical and philosophical aspects of Karate. At ITKA, we care about our students and their success. To learn more about ITKA, please visit us on FaceBook by going to the International Traditional Karate Association.
Kancho M. Bambouyani