My suggestion (changing the order):

My suggestion (changing the order):
Life balance wisdom: To act and wait
Patience means more than waiting with a good attitude. To get optimal results you need to be mindful, patient, have a good attitude, work toward your goal, meditate, visualize, take positive action, be consistent and never give up.
When I was a child, one day I was watching my dad planting tomato seeds. The next day I asked him “Father, where is the tomato?” He responded”you need to be patient”. The next day, I rushed to the garden, but I saw nothing. I said, “Dad I have been waiting but I do not see anything”.
He answered, “you must be kind to them so they can grow”. Then he taught me kindness by putting cover over the plant at night when the weather was cold. To pick up the cover in the morning so the plants can get sun. Once a week to give water to the plants, to add nutritional soil, and to take any weeds out.
Later, I felt a sense of ownership and asked my dad what else may I do? To which he replied, “every day at a certain time sit down, close your eyes, be silent for a while(meditate), then think
that tomatoes will be here one day.
I asked him, “what day are they coming? He told me “it depends on the sun. If we have more sunny days it could be a month, if we have more cloudy days it takes longer”.
One day I could not believe my eyes, I saw garden looked even mor beautyful by color of riped tomatoes. I ask father any other advise he smile and said, yes, do not rush when you are eating them.
As I got older, I realized to reap what we sew, we must be patient and have a proper attitude – meaning, take care of the tasks on hand. To start a new goal you must think, plan, prepare, take action, be consistent, and never give up. Be patient about what you do – meaning, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Connect with what you want by meditating, visualizing and thinking that you are doing something wonderful which benefits you, and may benefit others.
I wish you patience.
ITKA Karate
The largest rivers are formed with drops of rain. Karate should be practiced daily and often.
I am a Karate instructor, but I am also a student of life and always in pursuit of excellence. When I travel the world teaching karate to black belts and other instructors, I am humbled by their humility, sportsmanship, capability, knowledge and skills of the karate practitioners. Often I see instructors with decades of martial arts training possessing good health, positive attitudes and unbelievable ability. This brings a smile to my face, appreciation to my heart and in my mind I know the accumulation of those many years of consistent and uninterrupted training could be compared to a river which is formed from drops of rains, with each training session being the raindrop.
With discipline, dedication, hard work, sweat and intellectual training in Karate producing great energy, good health, good attitude, and an overall higher quality of life. Similarly the largest rivers are formed from consistent drops of rain. Kancho M. Bambouyani
How to walk intelligently with energy and confidence: first, you must align your spine and neck to ensure you have a good posture. Keep your chin parallel to your feet like you are standing on a flat ground, so your eyes can see a long distance ahead and wide. Lift and hold your center (core) up, with proper breathing. Push your hips forward, pressure shoulders directly over your hips and your hips over your heels. Distribute your weight over one foot; keep that foot completely flat on the ground from toe to heel flat on the ground while the other foot is advancing. If you have time, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.
This kind of body positioning is healthy and attractive as you display confidence. Breathing helps with endurance, relaxes you and allows you to pay attention to the outside World – you can think more clearly. Also, focus on being patient, attentive, alert, and pleasant. Kancho Bambouyani
To live completely a happy life sometime seems almost impossible. Hopefully this article will help you to attain a higher level of joy. So do your very best to implement a few of the following  at a time and add on, as you feel ready and be consistent, as much as it is reasonably possible. Good health stems from best choice of selected alternative foods possible for you, such as fish, fruits, vegies, , seeds, beans, barriers, spices, water, get average 8 hours of sleep and daily exercises. Avoid the following, smoking, excessive drinking, irregular sleeping, gambling, abuse of any kind. Seek Peace it comes from what we host in our mind, stability and management of the time, energy, finance and stress. Host your mind with pure, powerful, and positive thoughts, delete mental fat. Organize your emotions; put passion into what is beneficial to you, your loved ones and society. Avoid pettiness, negativity, complaining, and laziness. Be mindful, plan well, constantly educate and update yourself in your field and learn from every experience. Be proactive, consistent, and reasonable and always expect the unexpected, be prepared to resolve issues and conflicts with courage, bravery, sensitivity, peace and fairness. For all of the above you need to be aware, and discipline so you can develop a mindset to plan, organize, manage and execute any or all of the above so they can become life changing habits.  Spend time with your loved ones, and take vacation and travel wen possible.  Kancho M. Bambouyani.