Headquarters:  5945 W Irving Park Road    Chicago, IL 60634

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Phone: (773)283-8200  https://www.facebook.com/ITKAKarate 

Email: [email protected]    

Web site:  www.itkakarate.com

“The wisdom of tradition will unify a friendlier world.â€

20th Annual ITKA International World Friendship Karate Tournament

 in Honor and Memory of Sima and Zahra Bambouyani, October 9-10-21


Organization or Dojo name                                                 


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RE:    Official invitation to attend the 20120 ITKA World Friendship Karate Tournament

Dear Sensei and colleague 

I would like to cordially invite you and your team (specified below) to attend and participate in the ITKA WFK Tournament so they can arrive prior to the event. We believe your participation will strengthen of our Tournament.

  We hope you will choose to participate.   Thank you for your cooperation.

Education advancement and seminar; in addition to the Tournament,  ITKA will offer world class instruction in Kihon (fundamental), Kata (form)  and Kumite (sparring) and self-defense and judges seminar prior to  the tournament.  The program will be taught by ITKA’s world class instructors.

International participation: In the past, this event attracted participants from Japan, Russia, Italy, Austria, Romania, Poland and other parts of Europe as well as South and Central America. With the support of many Senseis such as yourself, we expect the 2015 Tournament will be another successful event. We look forward and hope to see you in Chicago.

Accommodations: ITKA is pleased to help arrange accommodation for our overseas guests. 

Tournament History:

For years prior to the Bam Earthquake ITKA KARATE Tournament was a fund-raiser to benefit the Children Memorial Hospital in Chicago. For many years Honorable Richard M. Daley, Chicago Mayor, was the Tournament’s honorary Chairman.  The tournament now supports the Zahra and Sima Bambouyani Foundation, in memory of their tragic loss of life in the Bam, Iran earthquake. n December of 2003 while visiting family, Zahra, 5th Dan, karate sensei who truly loved Chicago and made tremendous contributions to our city and Sima, 1st Dan, age 11 winner of many gold medals in Karate tournaments and the student of the year were taken away by a deadly earthquake while visiting family in Bam, Iran. This World Friendship Karate Tournament since 2004 has been dedicated to honor the memory of  Sima and Zahra Bambouyani for their contributions.

Tradition: This World Friendship Tournament is also to promote harmony and respect by bringing together different cultures through competition based on the principles of ITKA karate and the Dojo Kun: seek perfection of character, be faithful, endeavor, respect others, refrain from violent behavior. The promotion of respect for each other’s cultures through our shared vision and appreciation for the art of karate can be an experience that unites us.  

From the White House: Former President George W Bush graciously acknowledged his support to comfort the Bambouyani family by sending a personal condolence letter to Bambouyani family. 

From City Hall of the City of Chicago: For many years Honorable Richard M. Daley, Chicago Mayor, was the Tournament’s honorary Chairman.

From the President of Wright College, City of Chicago, Tournament Host: Dr. Charles Guengerich has been a longtime advisor and supporter of ITKA WFK Tournament. Dr. Guengerich has hosted this World class event at the College for  many years.

To facilitate out planning, we ask that you please provide or complete the following information for each member participants in your team.  

First and last name                                 

Passport number                 

Passport  Expiration date                        

Date of birth                    

Competing or Participating in (competing, coach or manager …….) 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Shihan M. Bambouyani      

Shihan M. Bambouyani     

ITKA Chairman 9th Dan
