ITKA Karate
The largest rivers are formed with drops of rain. Karate should be practiced daily and often.
I am a Karate instructor, but I am also a student of life and always in pursuit of excellence. When I travel the world teaching karate to black belts and other instructors, I am humbled by their humility, sportsmanship, capability, knowledge and skills of the karate practitioners. Often I see instructors with decades of martial arts training possessing good health, positive attitudes and unbelievable ability. This brings a smile to my face, appreciation to my heart and in my mind I know the accumulation of those many years of consistent and uninterrupted training could be compared to a river which is formed from drops of rains, with each training session being the raindrop.

With discipline, dedication, hard work, sweat and intellectual training in Karate producing great energy, good health, good attitude, and an overall higher quality of life. Similarly the largest rivers are formed from consistent drops of rain. Kancho M. Bambouyani